I dare you to make usless
Let me start of by saying that this was one of the best Sonic flashes ever. It was action heavy, most of the animation and art was good, the music fit and I liked the whole anime style and feel to it.
Now, on to the negatives. Even though there were some part's with great animation and art, some other parts (Mostly the one's from early in the animation) had some problem's. Some part's of the character's where oddly shaped and there is just some sloppy art work in there.
Some scenes just seem ether cliche or out of place. A lot of scenes have been done to death, like the scene where the charge toward each other and punch each other simultaneously and the scene where Shadow snaps his fingers and Sonic explodes behind him come to mind. As for out of place, the Knuckles v. Chaos part has some camera cut that could have been trimmed (Like the part where there slowly walking toward each other, or the part where Knuckles attacks Chaos from behind, which last like 2 seconds long than it needed to.)And I didn't really understand the part where sonic was falling and then he all of a sudden imagined the earth in flames. (Foreshadowing maybe?) Last thing about the scenes, a lot of the time, character's emotions and looks don't fit whats about to happen. When Tails looks at the camera and give's it a mean look, I assumed he was going to actually join the fight, same goes with those 2 robot's whose names I can't remember.
Last point, the ending just kind of petered out. It just sort of ended without much climax. This will work if you are intending to make a sequel which started directly from that point, but if that isn't the case, then the battle should have ended and there should have been a sense of closure.
Once again, I will say that I enjoyed the flash and will add this to my favorites after the review. All things mentioned above should just be marked as things you could do in the future to improve you animations.
Can't wait to see more,
P.S. If you do make another, may I recommend the song " The Warrior inside" by Dragonforce. The beginning reminded me a lot of sonic music and it could fit very well in with most battles. Just a thought .